Play-dough Prayer Activity

Play-dough Prayer Activity

by Laura Lehman

What for?

Praying for the transformation of something in your own life.

What will you need?

  • Play-dough

How do you do it?

  1. Start by working with the play-dough and praying for guidance about something that you think God might be wanting to transform in your life, or something you wish God would transform in your life or in the world.
  2. Form the play-dough into a shape that represents what you would like to have transformed.
  3. What would that thing look like if it were transformed?  Re-shape it into something that represents the transformation you wish to see.

More information:

This is one of many body prayers.  God created us with bodies for a reason, and yet we very rarely use them in prayer or praise. Explore how you can pray with more than your brain and your mouth.

As kids many of us liked to shape play-dough into various shapes, and then reform it into something else. Often in our lives we wish things were as easily transformed at play-dough. In this exercise you’ll be praying for the transformation of something in your own life.

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