Holy Reading Prayer Activity

Holy Reading Prayer Activity

What for?

Lectio Divina, or Holy Reading, is a way of praying with the Bible. By reading short passages of scripture, we pay attention to what the text says to us in our hearts and minds. In approaching scripture this way we trust that the Holy Spirit speaks in the text and in us.

What will you need?

A Bible, a quiet place to be still

How do you do it?

  1. Lectio - Read a short passage of scripture, listening with the ears of your heart for a word or phrase that gets your attention. Read slowly, even aloud, so that your mind can pay attention to the words and set aside all the other things that distract you.

  2. Meditatio - After a few moments of silence, read the passage again. Meditate on the word or phrase that caught your attention. Ponder God’s word to you in your heart. Why this phrase? What does it mean? What does it stir in you?

  3. Oratio - After a few moments of silence, read the passage again. This time shift from pondering to praying. Let your heart speak to God.

  4. Contemplatio - Close the time of attentive reading and prayer with silence. Allow yourself to listen to God. Take a moment to rest in God.

